My personal must-have when developing in GO

F. Ana. D
Apr 21, 2022

Kids have best friend on the first day at school. So even though I am new to GO, I can have my own favorite packages, tools, etc., right?! So I list my favorite packages and tools here for my personal use (or as a reference for you):

1. golangci-lint. It’s a linter for golang. The documentation is here

2. gocritic. It’s like golangci-lint but more strict(?)

3. go tools cover. It’s to analyzing the coverage profiles generated by ‘go test -coverprofile=cover.out’

4. gosec. It’s to inspect security problem in our source code

5. Testify and Mockery. To write unit test and build mocks

6. A lot of reading. like this one, this one or this one.

7. gocyclo. To keep or source code simple

I’ll keep my must-have updated ~



F. Ana. D

Software Engineer — [Note: English is not my first language so please bear with me]